viernes, 21 de octubre de 2011

Blog Action Day

Let's talk about food.. I want to tell you what is my favorite food in the world *-* and iiiissss.. YEAAH the pizza, in spite of living in Venezuela, i love Italian food, and the pizza is realy good, well.. how do you do a pizza? it's easy.. the ingredients are:

3 teaspoon Fast Rising Instant Yeast
1 cup milk
3 cups flour
0.5 cup olive oil
1 teaspoon salt
 and after you buy the ingredients can star.. Firts , Mix the milk with the oil, and mix salt, flour and yeast together in separate bowls. Add the mixture of flour, salt and yeast into the mixture of milk and oil little by little while you are stirring them. Keep stirring the mixture, dough, until the dough pulls away from the sides of the bowl. Fold the dough over itself for few minutes, and then cover the bowl with the plastic wrap and let it rise in a room temperature for about two hours. Here you go, your pizza dough is ready. Spread the dough and add your favorite source, toping, and cheese on the top of the spread dough accordingly. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F, and place your pizza in the oven. Your pizza is ready in 30 minutes, depends on the thickness of your pizza. I hope you enjoy it.  

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